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The Dashboard, aka Home page, is the starting point for all activities and operations in the Matchbook AI (MBAI) portal. As shown in the picture and described below, it is made up of several components:

  • Left Navigation Pane – Allows users to move through the various features of MBAI:
    • Dashboard – Provides summary data around the system’s status
    • Import Data – Provides data upload options and details within MBAI
    • Data Stewardship – Presents data stewardship related activities
    • Prospecting – Provides the ability to consume Search capabilities and Build A List services
    • Export Data – Provides data download options from MBAI
    • Compliance – Provides the straightforward visualization to show ownership structure and linkage information
    • Settings – Allows for configuration of the system prior to run time
    • Reports – Series of reports and help features
  • Upper Pane – Provides summary information around the application’s state
    • Active Data Queue Statistics – Provides the status of imported records
    • Background Process Statistics – Provides details around the background activities
  • Bottom Pane – Provides Statistical information related to the Data Stewardship process
    • Low Confidence Match Candidate Statistics – Provides a quick overview of the top 10 patterns for matched candidates
    • Data Stewardship Statistics – Provides a quick look at how the data was matched (i.e. system matches versus manual matches)
    • API Usage Statistics – Provides API usage related statistics

Active Data Queue Statistics

The Active Data Queue Statistics represents the flow of data from left to right starting with file import. Once data is imported and processed, the resultant output lands in the appropriate queues. These dashboard numbers will be continuously updating as the Data Stewards work through their queue of records.

  • File Import – Maintains the counts of the file(s) uploaded
  • Input – Reflects the number of records imported and waiting to be processed
    • Clicking on Input will redirect to the Unprocessed input data page and will display the records which are in a failed state
  • Low Confidence Match (LCM) – Records returned with low confidence matches
  • No Match – Records returned with no matches
  • Match Output – Records with a good match and are ready to be exported
  • Enrichment Output – Records assigned to be enriched

Process Status will indicate the following information:

  • Processed – Indicates the completion of the background jobs and data ready for download
  • Processing – Indicates background jobs still running
  • Paused – Indicates the background jobs being paused by the administrator

By clicking the small grid icon, users see the summary of total files processed along with the records count in each queue (i.e. Low Confidence Queue, No Match Queue, Match Output Queue, Enrichment Queue, Under Investigation, etc.).

Users intending to remove file(s) from queues that were already processed can delete it (them) from this Import Process Queue:

Users have the ability to filter the results of the Data Queue Statistics by using tags that have been applied to the records. (Creating tags are discussed in more detail in a separate article).

Statistics can also be downloaded as a .CSV file:

Note: Once the data is processed, Import Process will be displayed in several ways for different import processes.

  • Manual Entry: This will display the entries that are imported as Single Entry Form via Import Data by the users.
  • Onboarding: This will display the entries that the user selects as “Add match as a new company” from Match Data / Clean Data/ Search Data.
  • Excel/TSV/CSV/TXT: Files that are imported by users will have a Prefix related to its extension.
    • Excel= Excel: ‘File Name’
    • CSV=CSV: ‘File Name’
    • TSV=TSV: ‘File Name’
    • Custom Delimiter and Fixed Width: TXT: ‘File Name’

API Upload: This will display the entries which are imported using API keys i.e. the entries using Postman services as well as the Integration Gateway commands.

Background Process Statistics

These indicate the database Cleanse Match, and Enrichment processes that are scheduled to run every 3 to 5 minutes. Processing time will depend on the size of the file.

  • Clicking on the toggle button will let the users enable or disable the Cleanse Match, or Data Enrichment background processes
  • The Min-time/Avg-time/Max-time indicate the time that each of the processes (Cleanse Match and Data Enrichment) has taken
  • – Indicates the last execution time
  • – Indicates the time to next execution
  • The Data Enrichment process starts once the Cleanse Match process is done

  • – Clicking on the Process Details icon will display the Background Process Logs with Execution Id, Process Type, Date Time, Duration, and Process Status. Users can filter the Time Period with the Status Type and/or Process Type for these Background Process Logs.


Low Confidence Match Candidate Statistics

This section displays the Top Candidates and All Candidates for the imported set of data.

  • Top Candidates:
    • Total Records – The number of records that have been pushed to Match Data as part of the Cleanse Match import process
    • These Top Candidates records contain the Active Records and HQ/SL Records that are processed
  • All Candidates – Indicate all potential match candidate records

Note: These counts change as the Data Steward performs any data purging, data rejecting, or matches a new company.

Hovering over each bar of the graph indicates the number of candidates based on the Confidence Code.

Data Stewardship Statistics

  • The Pie Diagram – Breaks down how the records were matched, whether by the Cleanse Match process or the Auto-Accept Rules created by the user
  • The Bar Graph –  Indicates the total number of match output records based on the Confidence Code
  • Total Matched – Indicates the total number of matches by the Cleanse Match as well as the Auto-Accept Rules
  • Name Address Lookup – Indicates the number of records that are matched by Name and Address Lookup
  • Alt. Lookup – Indicates the number of records that are matched by DUNS Number / National ID / Telephone Number / Domain Lookup

API Usage Statistics

API Usage Statistics indicate the calls the user performs applying the command line and postman APIs.

  • – Clicking on the Detail Statistics Report icon will display a graphical representation of the Cleanse Match and Enrichment API calls.