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This article describes the Matchbook AI Integration Gateway and its features.

The Integration Gateway allows users to interact with their Matchbook Portal through their command line. In utilizing this tool, users are provided greater ability to automate and scale their Matchbook operations.


Command Line Import and Export Settings

To begin using Matchbook Integration Gateway, users first need to configure the Import and Export settings for the Matchbook AI portal.  This will allow users to utilize the “Upload” and “Download” commands.

The following configurations can be set under Integration Gateway settings:

  • EXE Setup
  • Upload Configuration
  • Download Configuration
  • Generate the command prompt instructions


Downloading and Configuring Command Line EXE

Users can download the EXE Setup file from the Portal. The EXE Setup file is currently available for Windows and Linux machines. More platforms will be supported in the near future.

This walkthrough specifically shows the Windows Setup. Steps are similar for Linux users.

  1. After downloading the EXE Setup, unzip and place the folder in the appropriate local directory for their organization.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate folder location and find the file MatchbookIntegrationService.dll.config
  3. Open the file using any text editor and add your Matchbook API credentials.
    1. Steps to access API Key, Secret Key or Subdomain:
      1. Login to the portal as an Administrator
      2. Navigate to Settings → Portal → About Us → Your API KEY
      3. Click on ‘Your API Key’
      4. Your API Key, Secret key and Subdomain will be displayed

  4. Changes need to be saved after the credentials are added.
  5. Users are ready to run commands at this point.


Upload Configuration

Upload Configurations Settings are managed in the Portal → Integration Gateway → Upload Configuration tab.

From this tab, all the file configurations related to the Upload Configuration are managed, including Add, Edit, and Delete configurations.


Steps for Adding the New Upload Configuration(s):

  1. Go to Settings → Portal → Data Integration → Integration Gateway → Upload Configuration, and Click ‘+’ to add a new configuration.
  2. Upon clicking ‘+’, the following screen opens where users need to enter details about the file to be imported.
  3. The Configuration Name MUST be unique.
  4. Users can select any of the Import type options below.
  5. Select the File Format to be uploaded.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to the file to upload and select it.
  7. Upon selection, users can configure the Import process and choose to make it a default.

    NOTE:  Must have at least one default configuration process.
  8. Clicking Next opens a new window, where users map the input column names.
  9. Click Submit. File configuration(s) will be saved and ready to take advantage of using the command line functionality.


Using the Command Line EXE

Once the settings have been configured, users can run Command Line .EXE to upload and download data to/from Matchbook AI.

Upload Command Details

To upload a file into Matchbook AI via the command line:

  1. Open the command line and navigate to the location where the executable resides.
    ** Executable MUST be run from the folder that contains the executable and related files
  2. Execute the following command:
    Upload Command: MatchbookIntegrationServices.exe Upload -F “FilePath” -C ConfigurationName
  3. Update the command line with the appropriate location of your file. File Path should include your File Name.
  4. Update the command line with the appropriate configuration by including the Configuration Name for the file.
    NOTE 1: You must use the same file structure which you configured in the Upload Configuration.
    NOTE 2:
    If you do not include the configuration name, the system will automatically pick the default configuration name that is set. 
  5. Command Line will return details about whether the run was successful or not.
  6. Once the command has been correctly updated, the execution of the command will cause the file to be imported into Matchbook.


Download Configuration

Users have the ability to manage all the file configurations related to the Download Configuration, including Add, Edit, and Delete configurations from this tab.

Steps for Adding the New Download Configuration(s):

  1. Go to Settings → Portal → Integration Gateway → Data Integration → Download Configuration, and Click ‘+’ to add a new configuration.
  2. Upon clicking ‘+’ the following screen will open, where users can provide details about how they want the file to be exported.
  3. User must enter a Configuration Name and Data Provider (i.e. D&B or Orb Intelligence).
  4. Select Output Format. Users have the option to select one or multiple Output Types.
  5. Select the appropriate File Format for export (Excel, CSV, Tab Separated, or Custom Delimiter).
  6. Select the file format with respect to:
    1. Date & Time format
    2. Add optional File Prefix – Allows users to add an optional identifier to all the file names associated with a given Download Configuration
    3. Mark As Exported
      1. When unchecked – Users can export the data multiple times
      2. When checked – Once exported, records will no longer be available in the queue. The data will be purged from our system
    4. Is Default – To make it default configuration Name
    5. Apply Text Qualifier to All – This is used to display double quotes (“) to all the columns and row values
  7. Click the “Add” button. The file configuration(s) will be saved and ready to take advantage of using the command line functionality to export.

Command for Downloading/Exporting File

For exporting a file, the user must provide both the FilePath and the ConfigurationName to the command line. This will allow Matchbook to export the file according to the details provided within the configuration.

Download Command Details:

To Export a file from Matchbook AI via the command line:

  1. Open the command line and navigate to where the executable resides.
    ** Executable MUST be run from the folder that contains the executable and related files
  2. Execute the following command:
    Download Command: MatchbookIntegrationServices.exe Download -f “FilePath” -c “ConfigurationName”
  3. Update the command line with the appropriate location your file will be exported to and the configuration details.
    NOTE: If you do not include the configuration name, the system will automatically pick the default configuration name that is set.
  4. Once the download is completed, users can download all the files that were selected in the Download Configuration page.