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Settings Overview

Prior to loading any records/data into the Matchbook Portal for processing, there are a few configuration settings that need to be set by the organization’s Admin. These configurations dictate how the data will be processed and should be related directly to the business rules/needs. Upon completion of the configuration steps, users will be ready to import data into the portal for processing.

There are two main configuration categories that need to be reviewed by the admin:

  1. Portal Settings (** NOTE: This article focuses on the first 3 settings. ‘Integration Gateway’ and ‘About Us’  Portal Settings are covered in separate articles that you can search by using those keywords).
    • Feature settings **
    • Users settings **
    • Common settings **
    • Integration Gateway
    • About Us
  2. D&B Settings (Note: ‘D&B Settings’ are covered in separate articles that you can search by using those keywords)
    • Feature settings
    • License settings
    • Identity Resolution settings
    • Data Enrichment settings
    • Monitoring settings
      • Direct 2.0
      • Direct+
  3. Compliance Settings (Note: ‘Compliance settings are covered in a separate article which can be searched by using those keywords’)
    • License
    • Compliance Settings
      • Compliance Watch List
      • Compliance List
      • Adjudication / Evidence
      • Auto Adjudication
      • Compliance Enrichment


User Types

To access the Matchbook Portal, users need valid credentials and to be designated as one of two user types (Data Stewards or Administrator). Within this feature, Admins will be able to manage their user base.

User Types in Detail

  1. Administrator – The Administrator has complete control in the Matchbook Portal. This role can manage all settings and users, upload and download data via the UI as well as create and manage all rules for auto-acceptance. Administrators can also manage data security using tag-based rules to secure access to data for each user.
    • Administrator Types:
      • Enterprise Admin – has complete access to the system
      • LOB Admin – LOB specific admin
    • Administrators have the following access:
      • Import Records into the Matchbook Services system for processing
      • Export Output Records
      • Reset the Data
    • Portal Configuration Settings:
      • Manage Users including – add/edit/delete/activate
      • Manage Tags including – add/delete tags
      • Manage Country Groups – add/edit/delete
      • Manage User Comments – add/delete
      • Enable/Disable Data Reset
    • Managing Users Status:
      • Active – active account
      • Un-Authorized – set by an administrator to deactivate a user temporarily or permanently
      • Account Locked – Set by the system when a user does not access the system for more than a month or tries to login with an invalid username/password more than 5 times in a row. Users must reach out to their admin or to resolve these issues
      • Account Deleted – Administrator can delete the account
    • Admin users also have all access listed for the Data Steward user below
  2. Data Steward – This role has limited access in the Matchbook Portal. They can only perform the following functions:
    • Import Data
    • Review Matches
    • Match Data
    • Clean Data
    • Search Data
    • Reject All
    • Purge All
    • Export Output Records
    • Approver – optional
    • Search By DUNS – optional
    • Search By Domain – optional
    • Bing Search
    • Reports:
      • Access Base Reports
      • Investigation Feature


Portal Settings

1. Feature Overview

The following features can be configured:

  • Enable Data Reset – enable/disable data reset option
  • Disable Purge Process – Provides users an ability to enable/disable the purge process:
      • When the Setting is in the above pattern, it means the purge process is enabled. When users export the data in this mode, data will be purged out of the Match Output queue based on the number of days defined.
      • When the Setting is in this pattern, the data is retained in Matchbook even after it has been exported and flagged as exported.
  • Days inactive before locking users out – if a user does not log in for the number of days specified in the text box, that user account will be locked

2. User Settings

(Admin User Only Feature)

  • Add/Edit/Delete Users
    Admin users will be able to manage the users of the system including adding/editing/deleting users. Clicking ‘+’/edit icons (in the highlighted section below) allows admins to add/edit users. After filling out the appropriate user details, an email will be generated by the Matchbook Portal to provide a new user with their login information, or updates will be saved if it is an existing user:
  • User Status Code
    Allows the Admin to activate, delete, lock, or unauthorize an account.
  • User Type Code
    Allows the Admin to determine the role of the user (Administrator or Data Steward).
  • Permissions
    Allow the Admin to determine the permissions for a given user:

    • Enable Investigations – investigations can be initiated with D&B directly from within the Matchbook Portal (**Requires separate entitlements with D&B)
    • Enable Reject/Purge data – gives users the ability to reject/purge multiple records
    • Enable Search By DUNS – gives users the ability to search D&B data by DUNS number
    • Enable Auto Accept Rules – gives users the ability to create Auto Accept Rules
    • Enable Preview Match Rules – gives users the ability to view all the Match Output Data
    • Enable Enrichment in UI – gives users the ability to view entitled enrichment data
    • Import data – Admin can give Data Steward users the ability to import data. (This permission is enabled by default for Admin users)
    • Export data – Admin can give Data Steward users the ability to export data. (This permission is enabled by default for Admin users)
    • Enable Compliance – gives users the ability to use the beneficial ownership feature
  • LOB Tags
    Allow the Admin to restrict users to certain line of business-related tags.
  • Security Tags
    Allow the Admin to manage what data users can access. Selecting within the “Security Tags” (Optional) box allows users to choose from tags already created within the system:

    • For example, if a user is entitled to [SRC::bnd1] and [SRC::bond], that user will only be allowed to access records with those tags
  • Inclusive Tags checkbox – Allows Admin to have tag-based security that only gives them access to those records that contain “all” the tags defined for security access. This would only work when a user has defined Security Tags (>1) and if “Inclusive Tags” is set to True.
    • For example, if a user is assigned the security tags [SRC::crm] and [SEC::bond], and Inclusive Tags is set to True, then that user will only be allowed to access the records that have both those security tags
  • External Provider – Allow the Admin to select which External Provider

3. Common Settings

  • Country Groups
    Setting the country code ensures that when matches are done through the D&B API, the correct algorithms are used to provide the best possibilities for a match.

    • Adding or editing countries requires clicking the ‘+’ or ‘edit’ icons as highlighted below, for choosing the countries to include/exclude from user’s grouping and providing an appropriate group name:
    • Import Data – provides users the ability to import data with respect to the Group Name and Country Code
    • Export to Excel – users can export the added Country Group data in an Excel format
    • Delete – users can delete a created Country Group by clicking the Delete option
  • Tags
    Tags give users the ability to handle the division of records to be processed with different rules in the Matchbook Portal. Not only this, tags allow users to categorize records between different groups within the (users’) organization, and those groups can be configured with different rules. Typically, records are expected to be tagged prior to their entry into the portal.
    Before importing records into the Matchbook Portal, the admin must first create tags in the portal and so, records being imported are expected to have corresponding tags to handle divisions of records.
    Tags can only be created or deleted. In addition to tags for recognizing records separately, tags can be associated with LOB tags which act as an upper layer of tags. Any given tag can be associated with one LOB tag:

    • Tag Types – created tags are grouped into categories (Source, Security Group, Monitoring Group, etc.)
    • Tag Value – Allows for the entry of a new tag value
  • User Comments
    Admins can create user comments in this section, which can be referenced while trying to delete any auto-accept rules in the Cleanse Match → Auto Acceptance rules:
  • Export Page
    As part of the export functionality using REST API services, the admin can define page sizes with the number of maximum records to be returned for each applicable service. Users can configure the settings as shown below:
  • External Data Source
    With External Data Source Users can add a Cloud Storage path that can be used to store records while exporting any data. Users have the option to add the below configurations:

    1. Amazon S3
    2. Azure Storage
    3. FTP
    4. SFTP
    5. Google
  • Encryption Key
    How to get the Public Encryption Key: Users can get the Public Encryption Key by navigating to the Settings > Portal > Common > Encryption Key and by clicking on the ‘MBS Public Key’, users can download the Public Encryption Key.

    Adding your own PGP Encryption Key

Users can upload their own PGP encryption key. From Settings > Portal > Common > Encryption Key page > click on “Add” (+) button and upload your PGP Encryption Key. Must provide a unique key name.

This PGP key can be used at the time of exporting any file.

Add Export Encryption Key

Note: To get more information regarding External Data Source and Encryption Key, please visit their respective pages under Help Center.