Ordinal Mapping

To map data based on its location in the source file, also referred to as ordinal mapping, uncheck the Has Header checkbox when uploading the source file. Then you can select and map each column by selecting the position of each of the input headers in the data. Note: All fields marked with an asterisk…

Reference Fields

You can also add a unique identifier to match the data by specifying the values in the Reference Fields tab. These fields are used to keep a record of information and to immediately identify and map similar data entities from different sources. Table Column Input Header Description Passthrough Reference # Select the required Input header…

Alternate Addresses

Alternative combinations for different data entries are discovered by Matchbook AI and you can create mapping for them in the Alternate Addresses tab. For example, when collecting customer details, the customers may have multiple addresses, work, home etc. Matchbook AI identifies the primary addresses and creates mapping for any other combinations found in the data…

Additional Fields

Any Additional fields required to be mapped can be specified under the Additional Fields tab. Other useful data headers displayed such as the DUNS number, email address, and TAX Id number can be mapped to the data from this tab. Table Column Input Header Description National Provider ID This header indicates the national identification provider.…

Map Data

Some Input headers are auto mapped based on the headers in the selected source file for example Company Name, City, Country etc., as displayed in the below screenshot. The column headers that are not automatically mapped can be manually configured by selecting the required Input Header from the list of options provided in the dropdown…