All articles in this category originate from the MBS Portal Guide document
Prior to loading any records/data into the Matchbook Portal for processing, there are a few configuration settings that need to be set by the organization’s Admin. These configurations dictate how the data will be processed and should be related directly to the business rules/needs. Upon completion of the configuration steps, users will be ready to…
Base Reports The first section of Reports is the Base Reports: The Base Reports section allow users to view the metrics and statistical information for three main components: Data Queue Dashboard Data Stewardship Statistics API Usage 1. Data Queue Dashboard This report includes metrics and statistical information in all the different queues including any unprocessed…
1. Search Data The Search feature allows the user to input details directly into Matchbook, which will then perform a real-time query against D&B data and return all potential candidates: Additional Actions – Clicking additional actions will let the user perform different kinds of searches: Search by Email – allows users to search by email…
Introduction Matchbook AI “Import Data Process” allows you to import data using the below options. Both Admin/Data Steward users will be able to import data into Matchbook AI and the data import validation process will always assist the users while entering any invalid data or connections. Import Data Details To process records through the Matchbook…
Introduction Matchbook Services “Export Data Process” allows you to export data once the data is processed. Data can be exported using multiple combinations of the below data export types: Export Data Details The final step of the data stewardship process is to download or extract the output data (processed data) based on the organization’s requirements.…
This section allows users to review all potential match candidates for all input records. Users can filter this data to fine-tune the records they would like to review: Order By – user can sort candidates using options (SrcRecordId, Company, state) under this field: Users can apply filter by clicking “Add Filter” option as shown below:…
This section allows the user to accept or reject specific matches associated with an inputted record. Any matched record will flow into the Match Output Queue, and any rejected record will flow into the No Match Queue on the next cycle of the Matchbook background process. Filter Match Candidates on the Current Page Match Filter…
The Clean Data section of the portal allows the Data Steward to work with records for which no match was found, or for which all candidate matches were rejected. Here, the inputted source record(s) can be updated with details that may improve the ability of the system to find a match. After an update, the…
The Dashboard, aka Home page, is the starting point for all activities and operations in the Matchbook AI (MBAI) portal. As shown in the picture and described below, it is made up of several components: Left Navigation Pane – Allows users to move through the various features of MBAI: Dashboard – Provides summary data around…
Data Stewardship is a process of manually investigating any records under the Low Confidence Match (LCM) and No Match queues. The result of the investigative work done by the Data Stewards is to improve the likelihood of finding the appropriate match for each record in one of these queues. Once imported and processed (Identity Resolution),…